Sunday 10 September 2017

Saturday 19 August 2017

Thursday 13 July 2017

Wednesday 7 December 2016

why so sad

                                               why so sad?

Does it feel like one of THOSE days? You know, the ones where you don't quite feel like yourself (whatever that is)? You're in a hate-everything-and-everyone sort of mood, while wondering why you're still alive and what your purpose is. If this is true for you, then join the club....every living person around you faces this sort of dilemma. It's just part of the human experience.

Dealing with these sorts of deep problems is never easy...there's no app for that (yet). We have to solve our problems through initiative and determination. And one of the best ways to cope in the midst of trials is laughter, a drug that doesn't a prescription, and the only one you should self-medicate with.

And, yet, you may not feel like laughing, especially if your life is dark and lonely at the  moment. But the alternative, spending all your time feeling sorry for yourself, will only lead to more depression and maybe even the need for actual medication. I definitely do not want that for you. You have two choices: either find the cause of your depression and solve it or choose to live positively until the problem goes away on its own. This too shall pass.

Contemplating suicide will not help you. If you are a Christian, you should remember doing so will only get you into trouble with the LORD. If you aren't, just remember there's always a better way. Instead of acting like World War 3 is just around the corner, make it your goal to do things you enjoy. Think happy thoughts, make happy sounds and intentionally build a life ruled by peace. For life is the operative word....for the very ability to breathe is something we should truly be thankful for.

Life isn't a bed of roses and sometimes we just have to put our big girl (or boy) pants and face it head on. But who ever said that we have to be sad while doing so? Spread joy. The next time you see someone looking down, ask them "Why are you so sad?" Do your best to encourage them to be filled with joy and to be empowered to make life whatever they want it to be. 
remember life is what you make it !

Sunday 4 December 2016

why cheat

                              why people/men cheat

       Both sex cheat, yes women cheat too girl! It has been proven that men may or may not cheat more but everyone ask the same question when cheated on or around a similar situation.WHY CHEAT?

            As much as I wish I could give you one straight answer, I cant, cause people cheat for various  reasons. Don't worry I can still give a few reasons why people commonly cheat but I must warn you if you are reading this cause you have been cheated on and you need answers, I really hope it helps.

         Time is money! Maybe so but not in a relationship time is everything and we must make time for our special some. Knowing that the person is there makes you  feels special, important, loved, comfort,  happy and I can go on on but you know how you feel when your with that person you love,but was it enough? Yes I know it may sound crazy" did he cheat cause he missed me", many people do so if you live in ENGLAND and your girl friend is in JAMAICA please do more that just call. Look in the mirror and ask your self , "am a selfish", you maybe if your partner keeps asking you for something and your not giving them, am not just talking about material things. Ladies, just so you know sex is needed just incase your back hurts every night. A personal need is important we can't always get what we want, but try your best to please them, love is about sacrifice.

     Shouting at your man for every little thing is not as helpful as you think, its actually makes him feel less like a man and disrespected. Loud talking are for minsters and politicians not relationships leave it out of your love life, if talking does not work try others way to make points. eg games, bets and so on. Keep the love alive, in other words don't let it get boring, yes in the bedroom as well and don't think cause you been married for 10 years you cant take him out for a date or bring your wife some flowers just because you love her.

        The past is the past! What ever you have been through in the past let me apologize, I am sorry for what ever happened, but it time to move on forget about it honey and stop taking it out on this person in your life., love and trust, it is very important that your partner knows you trust them and they should trust you as well. People don't come with remotes which means we are not to control them, telling someone how to live every minute of every day is not very healthy for a relationship you can only give an opinion,they don't have to listen.

       Commitment issues or cant keep your thing in you boxers, believe it or not they are people that cheat cause they can. Its a crazy world and we live in  so you have to deal with it, ask yourself why  you cheated,your partner or any one that have done so in the past. What it comes down to mostly is when something is missing, remember life is what you make it!